A cowboy might think that I'm referring to a horse when I talk of a good traveler. A mom has a whole different idea of what a good traveler is. Since I'm the one blogging, and I'm a Mom I'm referring to my children. Now, not all of them have been or are good travelers but, Chance is. He loves to go places. The first thing that usually happens when we load up to go some where is Chance will take the first two to three hours to sleep. It doesn't really matter what time of day it is or when he last took a nap or woke up. He gets in the car and something says to him. "Time to sleep!" so he does. After that, well.... he becomes enthralled with things outside the car. and continually is pointing out things that he thinks are cool. ie. Trains, airplanes, deer, Blue trucks(he loves the color blue) any thing else that is blue, the alphabet, and so on. After that wears him out. He begins playing games. We've played hide and seek, Animals, I'm hiding in a color, and on, and on, and on. A lot of his games are imaginary games he plays on his own.
This last week end we went on a trip to Logan, about 5-6 hours away at some point Chance decided that we were racing the cars that were driving down the highway with us. We finally started winning when we got past Mona on our way home, there were fewer cars on the high way. At one point in the race Braden was playing, too which got Chance really excited, In fact, Chance was so excited that at one point he yells out. "DAD, Don't just sit there, DRIVE!"
We have so much fun when Chance is with us. When we were at the hotel We were all up and getting ready for church and Chance kept opening the door and looking down the hall. I started getting a little frustrated with him for opening the door all the time and kept asking him to shut the door. finally he opened the door one more time and I Said in a bit of a raised voice. "CHAANCE" he hurriedly looked down the hall one way, then turned and looked down the hall the other direction and shut the door as he said "Nope, they aren't here yet."
No, we have no idea who he was waiting for but once again we got a chuckle out of Chance and his Chatterings.
Ya' just got to love Chancee. He sure knows how to enjoy the journey.
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