Thursday, June 11, 2009

I Don't usually Toot My own horn, but I'm honored by this.

I've entered cowboy poems on this website for quite a few years, along with hundreds of other people. So this really shocked me when I recieved an email informing that my poem "The Cows Go Out". had been considered as a winner for the coveted Lariat Laureate winner. (I was one of the 8 seconds). Hope you enjoy the web site.


S'mee said...

This is so awesome! And coincidental! Seriously, just yesterday I was bragging up that very poem to a friend of mine who is moving to Midway, where they have a cowboy poet festival...any who, I was telling them about how wonderful your poems are and especially this one! eeeeeeee! I am so excited for you!

Julie Harward said...

GO AHEAD AND TOOT...your poems are wonderful! I have no doubt that one day you and those cute boys (who recite poems so good) will be famous!! Way to go~

DrGooch said...

HUGE congratulations! I enjoyed your commentary about the morning you found the inspiration for the poem. I've been there on that cool morning, smelling and hearing the roundup; and I am just as squeamish about city life as you described. My English teachers were always fit to be tied that my nose was in a Louis L'Amour book.

I grew up in a town like yours and have spent my life trying to figure out how to get back...

I enjoy your blog immensly. Thanks!