Aubree, Chance, Oaklee and I went up on the mountain with Dad yesterday to drop off a few cows. We hauled up three or four pairs of Momma's with there babies. We were off the main road and were driving down the dirt road. When all of the sudden Chance pipes up in exasperation, Oh Great!!!! The trailers following us." Then we come to our first stand of Quakies.and suddenly he yells out "Dad, Dad, Stop, wait, back up, Dad hurry!" Well we know Chance quite well so instead of stopping we just asked "What?" Chancee's reply: "There were TWO tree's back there" Life is never boring when you take a Chance!!
Cute Kid!!! Obviously thinks about things and looks for patterns. Highly intelligent!!(and I'm not prejudiced.
I don't consider you prejudice I consider you an expert. Thanks!
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